Usually, we will ship items out within 48 hours after payment received except Weekend and Major Holidays.
For Security Purposes, we ONLY ship to the address that you provided during checkout
We only recommend purchasing items from us based on part number and photos. Ordering a part based on device model number may result in an incorrect item as the same machines are often manufactured to different specifications. Please ensure you know exactly what part you require. If you are unsure please tell us and include your machine serial and model number in the message.
we have 90 days , from the day you order the item, you can enjoy a protectation
We appreciate your business sincerely, our valued customers. If you are satisfied with our product and service, please leave us a five-star rating. That will let us be more confident to provide better service and develop our business. Thank you.
In any case you are not satisfied with our product or service, please contact us before your leave a negative / neutral rating or initiate a dispute, we will try our best to resolve the issue. Thank you in advance, please give us an opportunity to improve our service.
G***r –
The cable is a little long and it is a little thicker so it is difficult to place on the guides but it works I had no problem with the installation and does not lose communication